Student Welfare and Support Services

Student Welfare and Support Services

Sunshine College of Management understands that there are general or personal circumstances that may adversely affect overseas student’s education in Australia. SCM has a range of useful links and contacts ranging from student support, academic/learning and personal/social issues. These resources are available to support overseas students in adjusting to study and life in Australia.

Orientation Program

An orientation program will be compulsory for all students prior to commencing their course. The Orientation is a great way to meet other students, tour the College and familiarise yourself with the facilities and resources available and meet the team of dedicated staff that will support you through your learning journey. Information provided will include but not limited to:

  • support services available and how these can be accessed
  • english language and study assistance programs
  • relevant legal services
  • emergency and health services
  • policies and procedures
  • requirements for course attendance and progress
  • information on employment rights and conditions

Learning Support

Should additional support during the term of the course be required, your Trainer / Assessor will be able to assist, orendeavor to refer you to an appropriate support service. SCM offers a free training support service available to all students who have any questions or difficulties regarding their current training or future career development. Trainers will be able to provide students with the information they need to help achieve their own academic and career path.

Our staff can assist you with questions regarding training and career pathways and opportunities, personal development opportunities, work placement and/or any other training / industry related questions. This service offers practical answers to most of the questions and challenges faced by students in relation to their training and/or career. We are here to help and will always try to source the information you need to feel supported or refer you to an appropriate internal or external service if required.

We will respect your right to privacy. Any information disclosed will remain strictly confidential.

Contact our Administration staff or your Trainer with any requests for support and they will be able to direct you to the appropriate support that you require.

For Support Services call 03 9311 5101 from Mon-Sun 9.00am-5.00pm or Email us on

Welfare Services

Students have access to the Student Support Officer to gain advice and guidance on personal or social issues or social issues. Where the issues are identified of a more sensitive nature which are affecting student study and stay in Australia such as but not limited to:

  • Depression
  • mental Stress
  • personal issues or traumatic event occurred requiring professional help

a referral to an external professional counselling service will be provided. SCM offers a free referral to specialists in the field.

Critical Incidents

A critical incident is a traumatic event or the threat of a traumatic event that occurs either within Australia or within the student’s home country and which causes extreme stress, fear or injury. The term critical incident is very diverse but includes such events as:

Missing student, Fire/storm/natural disaster, Assault/shooting, Domestic violence, sexual assault, drug or alcohol abuse, missing relatives especially parents or siblings, Natural disaster, Political change, Acts of war or other conflict or Religious persecution.

This list is not designed to limit the definition but to show that these events are of majorimpact and consequence.

In the event of a critical incident please contact

Office hours:+61 393 115 101
After hours:+61 403 474 003

For information on personal safety, please visit: